Drought and Fire Observatory and Early Warning System
Drought and Fire Observatory and Early Warning System
In order to successfully address the challenges as arising from drought and wildland fires, an integrated approach, promoting and subsequently being facilitated by transnational collaboration, is strongly required.
The proposed project aims at adapting such an approach, taking advantage of state-of-the-art observational and modeling techniques along with crowdsourcing processes, in order to build a common prevention/mitigation framework for the vulnerable region of SE Mediterranean.
This framework will be further exemplified into a platform encompassing 5 key components:
a wildland fire risk assessment tool that will include long-term and short-term fire danger forecasting
a near real-time observatory of wildland fire activity
a rapid-response wildland fire modeling tool that could be used for supporting operational fire suppression activities
an observatory and early warning system on droughts that will enable improved drought risk management
The proposed project targets four groups of users:
regional public authorities
civil protection agencies and fire services
private sector investors and stakeholders
the public