Observer Partner 2 (OP2) is the Civil Defence of Cyprus and it is related to the Cyprus Meteorological Service (P3). The travel and accommodation expenses for the participation of OP2 in the dissemination activities of WP2 along with the participation of 2representatives in the kick-off, mid-term and final meetings of WP1 will be reimbursed by P3.
Amongst the duties of OP2 is the protection of the public against natural disasters such as forest fires and intense droughts. In that context, OP2 is particularly interested in the development of a system that will provide reliable and timely information of the fire and drought vulnerability of Cyprus. At the same time OP2 has significant experience on public protection and threat responding. That experience can be an extremely valuable asset in the process of developing a user-friendly and at the same time stable and comprehensive early warning system that will be useful to authorities, stakeholders and the general public. Moreover, OP2 will endorse a campaign to inform the general public on the system and persuade them to use it and offer in situ real-time information. Overall, OP2 will have an advisory role in the development of the system but also will help in the dissemination of the results and of the system itself.